Depression Counseling

Hope is an important element for success in living. Therefore, an important goal in my counseling is to give hope. To have hope is to "cherish a desire with expectation of fulfillment." (Webster's dictionary)

Hope is a key ingredient in how we function -- it gives us the incentive to perform in our job/career, in our home and marriage, our parenting, even in our hobbies. Hope is essential to life as oil is to an engine. When we lose hope we lose motivation. The Bible tells us that "hope deferred (postponed, delayed) makes the heart sick..." It also tells us that God has called us to hope--it's His heart's desire for us.

In Romans 15:4 God tells us that the things written in God's word were written so that we might: learn, have patience (endure), have comfort, and have hope!

God can do the impossible. When our heart has been made sick because we have lost hope, He can restore hope - regarding ourselves, regarding our marriage, regarding our children - regarding life.

If you have lost hope or feel depressed, I'd like to help!

Contact ADVANCE--Christian Counseling in Beaumont, Texas, today--for counseling sessions designed for your particular needs.

premarriage counseling